If you’re a person interested deep in crypto assets, you have more or less an idea of how the system works. Although they aren’t yet considered as a financial instrument worldwide, the functioning area and mass adoption of crypto assets are improving day by day. Therefore, developments in technology and infrastructure continue at a dizzying pace almost every day, without a delay. Especially the steps taken for integration into daily life undoubtedly indicate that crypto assets will be much more useful in the future.
On the other hand, like many valuable ones, crypto assets are also open to trade. And, like almost every precious asset, the most practical method of buying and selling crypto is to do it on a crypto exchange.
When it comes to exchanges, the crypto market is a region where there are a lot of options at hand. Such different options aren’t found in any other investment instrument.
As we all know, crypto exchanges are essentially divided into two different categories. Decentralized and decentralized exchanges.
Centralized exchanges have relatively high-volume and are easier-to-reach exchanges that operate with wallet accounts owned by certain individuals, without private keys provided to the customers. This is at least on paper. Decentralized exchanges, on the other hand, are the types of exchanges that any group doesn’t own them, are distributed to the network they use and the wallet you use is entirely yours. Well, this is true, partially at least.
Although the centralized exchanges, which we can be called CEX for short, dominate today, their backgrounds aren’t very bright especially in terms of security. As everyone knows, Mt. Gox exchange caused thousands of customers to become victims by hacking millions of dollars of crypto assets as a result of an attack. The effects of this event still alive and affect the market. Similar examples are numerous and considering the security, we cannot say that CEXs offer us the highest level of security. And the responsibility for that matter. In the decentralized exchanges that we can shorten as DEX, you have complete control (if not complete let’s say close to it) and they leave the security to your hands. This means that you set the highest level of security possible if you can.
So why CEXs dominate the market?
The answer isn’t that complicated. The level of security and privacy offered by DEXs suddenly vanishes when it comes to usefulness. Other possibilities such as a practical and suitable interface for every kind of user, asset variety, leverage, futures and derivatives trade are the specialities far from being provided by the common DEXs and this is the biggest obstacle in front of the increase in the customer base.
At this point, while we ask what is the solution, I would like to introduce you to an excellent project that will combine the advantages of CEXs under one, true DEX framework: Injective Protocol.
What is Injective Protocol?
Injective Protocol is the first layer 2 DEX platform that will take the level of security offered by a DEX to the highest level and open the possibilities provided by CEXs as a DEX. Let me just say, we are not talking about an ordinary project, a project supported by Binance Labs, a subsidiary of Binance, one of the largest CEX platforms of the world for now. Therefore, it will be a DEX that will offer both a solid infrastructure and maximum security with minimum problems.
What does Injective Protocol offer?
Many DEXs have central sections to facilitate forward and compete the CEXs. Injective is a completely decentralized platform. So you have absolute control. Also, with the Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) system offered for the first time among the DEXs, the troublemakers of exchanges called front-running transactions could be prevented. This special algorithm is used for the first time in a DEX. Besides, it creates an environment suitable for all types of users with its simple and pro interfaces.
In addition, layer 2 implementation is the next level of DEX world itself. It provides not only an ultra scalable infrastructure but also increase the speed of execution with a remarkable point. Also, it allows the integration of various protocols smoothly and glitch-free. Just think about it, a true DEX that allows you to trade as comfortable and secure as possible when it compared to CEXs, let alone DEXs. Sounds terrific indeed!
The main features of Injective Protocol are as follows:
●Lending and margin trade will be put into service in a decentralized manner. Even this can be considered a revolution in itself. By this way, a new way of accelerating the DeFi involvement aspects will be available for everyone. You know, the future of the DeFi movement is somwhow bright and necessary for the world finance system and Injective will play a significant role here.
●Decentralized futures and derivatives processes will be available to use. Especially, this is important to invest and trade in a variety when it comes to differintiate the common market as well as through the crypto realm.
●For now, the cryptocurrencies that are supported starting with Ethereum, TrueUSD, Injective, Dai, MKR and will increase rapidly and diversity will be available to everyone’s taste. With a project like Injective, this is easy to expect but in near future, bridging between protocols can be expected and this will make a great exchange with an incredible DeFi platform.
Advanteges of Injective Protocol
If you read till here, more or less you got the idea but let me lay it down a little bit.
Allows you;
❶ Yield farming in the most secure environment integrated with a true DEX.
❷ Trade smoothly and flaw-free between protocols with a superior speed thanks to its revolutionary layer 2 infrastructure.
❸ Use the CEX specialities like margin trading or derivative market in a convenient way.
❹ To get security from the activities like front-running or trade-collision from wich most of the DEXs suffer.
If you are actively trading crypto-assets and security, usability and possibilities are important to you, Injective Protocol is here to offer all this to you in a completely decentralized environment! It looks like the solution we are looking for with its practical and cosy interface, front-running and trade collision-resistant infrastructure and possibilities competing with CEXs. Moreover, it is supported by Binance. To extend your trading experience, Injective can play an important role with what it offers. Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading.